Rod Roddenberry: New Worlds, New Families, New Homes

As Eugene “Rod” Roddenberry and I talked about Star Trek in the living room of his home, both a sense of excitement and a question were on my mind. I was excited as it was difficult to believe I was sitting in the house of the caretaker of the Star Trek legacy. Like space itself, a fictional universe, such as …

Yuri’s Night Tomorrow!

Hey Chasers! On April 12th, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first human being to leave the confines of this planet’s gravity, and stepped into the cosmos. April 12th now marks Yuri’s Night: The World Space Party. Under the banner of, events in celebration of this epic space anniversary are being hosted throughout the world in the month of April. …

Matt’s Talking about Space at TEDx UTSC

Hey Chasers! A quick update to let you know that I’m giving a talk at TEDx University of Toronto Scarborough this weekend. What’s the topic? SPAAAAACE! (of course). More specifically, the theme of this TEDx is “Converging Realities.” They are looking for speakers who could bridge two fields/concepts/ideas that might seem otherwise unrelated. In my other life, I help run …

Two Years of Chasing Atlantis

Hey Chasers! July 8th marks the second anniversary of Atlantis’ final liftoff from Earth.  Just a few days ago, Atlantis’ new home was opened to the public as she rests at a precise 43.21 degree angle, proudly displaying both her scored heat shielding and open cargo bay in celebration the Shuttle’s legacy. Oh yeah, and that’s the Canadarm extending from …

We’re Live at Toronto Comicon!

Hey Chasers! You may have seen some people dressed up like this at Comicon! If you see people running around in Chasing Atlantis Tees during the day or later this evening. Be sure to stop by and say hello. We have been doing interviews talking to folks at the convention about SPAAAACE and Science Fiction and in general sharing the …

Toronto Comicon in T-7 Hours!!

Hey Chasers! We are going to be setup at Toronto Comicon this weekend! You have the chance to interact with our team, and even get interviewed and/or end up in the film credits! Plus we are running a cool promo this weekend during ComicCon to win a trip to SPAAAAAACE through I Dream of Space  If you’re at the Toronto …

Returning Home: The West Coast Leg of the North America Tour

Hey Chasers! We survived! We successfully made it back to Canada, but not first before making three stops along the West Coast. We left Florida following our interviews with Ryan Kobrick and John Horan in Florida. During that post we talked about struggles with getting into the new Atlantis Facility. That unfortunately didn’t pan out. We did get amazing footage right …