I saw these fellow Canadian spaceĀ aficionadosĀ and had to post this article. If only digital cameras and GPS existed when I was in high school!! -Matt Check out the article here!
Help Find Bubbles in Space!
Hey Chasers! I found this amazing project today and just had to share it. The Milky Way Project is a citizen participation initiative that allows you to identify bubbles in stellar gas created by massive stars through images from the Spitzer Space Telescope Images are provided to you to mark what you believe to be these stellar bubbles that are …
Preparing for Our Own Liftoff
Hey Chasers, It’s been two months now since our return journey to the Kennedy Space Center. Yesterday Paul and I, over Skype across the country, looked at the first rough cut that he had put together for our first trailer called the “Faces of Chasing Atlantis” that highlights some of the key interviews during our first journey in July and …
The Soul in the Machine
It’s been one day since I’ve returned from Titusville on the Chasing encore journey. I still find it hard to trace the path from our adventure’s first inception to standing before the Shuttle Endeavour this past Monday in NASA’s Vehicle Assembly Building. Chasing began when I first saw Endeavour touching down; its final landing and second last shuttle mission. The …
Back to NASA!!
Hey Chasers, Some fantastic news! During our journey to Florida this past Summer, we decided to throw the Chasing Atlantis Twitter feed on the side of our rental car with some window writers. I thought people might be interested in following our journey online. @chasingatlantis adorned on our Chevy Malibu, we rolled into the Kennedy Space Center, Paul brandishing the …
Happy Star Trek Day
Hey Chasers! Sorry that we’ve been off the air for so long. Paul and I returned safely from Sierra Leone where we collected nearly a TB of footage of Esther and her school for Esther’s Echo (www.esthersecho.org) and I have also just finished a move out West to one of Canada’s prime sci-fi film locations, Vancouver! Anyhow, we will be …