Photos Up

Work continues on Chasing Atlantis following our return from Africa. We are excited to announce that you can find our first batch of uploaded photos on our new photo page. Currently it links to our Flickr account: This first set, primarily from team member Melanie Godecki, captures some of the highlight moments from the trip including encounters with astronauts, …

Mars, here we come.

With a lot of questions arising from the conclusion of the shuttle program (most of which concern the future of human piloted space exploration) it is encouraging to see the future that NASA plans for us space fans. NASA unveiled today the designs behind the new Space Launch System which will propel us beyond Earth’s orbit, and perhaps some day …

Happy Star Trek Day

Hey Chasers! Sorry that we’ve been off the air for so long. Paul and I returned safely from Sierra Leone where we collected nearly a TB of footage of Esther and her school for Esther’s Echo ( and I have also just finished a move out West to one of Canada’s prime sci-fi film locations, Vancouver! Anyhow, we will be …