It’s Official! Mars Did Have A Habitable Environment!
In a press conference today, An announcement was made that the Mars Curiosity Rover has discovered that Mars once supported a habitable environment. Very cool news as that means that, at one time, life could have existed on the Red Planet.
Now there has been confusion over the announcement. Not to add to this confusion, the rover has NOT discovered life itself either in the past or present, but rather the rover has confirmed that the planet supported conditions that could’ve given rise to life.
The news is particularly exciting to us as during our recent North America Tour, we were able to sit down with Chris Voorhees of Planetary Resources who served as Chief Engineer for mechanical assembly, integration and testing of the Mars Science Laboratory that makes up the Curiosity Rover. It’s very cool to think that we will be able to share with you the insights of somebody who has helped to make this discovery possible!
Check the link above for the article on about the Mars discovery!
-Keep Chasing
-Matt &8-)