So We did it!
We left the Sol System and have officially now placed a human-made object into interstellar space.
Two mind blowing things about this.
First, that we actually got something out that far that survived this long and that we are still in contact with!
Secondly, it took 36 years! Just to get to the edge of the solar system. I did some quick math, to reach the NEXT CLOSEST STAR (remembering that our Galaxy alone has about 400 Billion worth) would take Voyager another 73,000 years. The galaxy is enormous! And we are one of billions of galaxies! Mind = Blown
You can check out more about our breaching of the solar system threshold at National Geographic here
Despite how far we have yet to go, this is a monumental achievement decades in the making; the first of what I hope are more giant leaps that lead us from not only colonizing our own solar system, but to perhaps truly one day reach the stars.
Keep Chasing
BTW, on the theme of Voyager, there is a great Voyager probe game out there for IOS called Voyager:Grand Tour that will kill hours of your spare time that I highly recommend you check out.