The Dance of our Celestial Neighbours

Hey Chasers!

This past weekend we had front row seats to a conjunction of the Moon, Mars, and Venus; our three closest celestial neighbors.

One of the advantages of my day job working on campus at Simon Fraser University is having a roof access key to the residence dorm towers. It made for a great view of the conjunction especially as it approached the horizon. Here is a collection of some of my favorite shots from this past Friday and Saturday. By Saturday, the Moon had moved away from Mars and Venus in the sky, but it still made for a spectacular view. The shots were taken with 24mm, 50mm, and 300mm lenses on my DSLR. The last photo of the Moon and Mars was through my 80mm telescope at 600mm focal length also using my DSLR.


Moon at upper left with Mars and Venus in Centre over Vancouver Saturday Feb 21 2015

Moon at upper left with Mars and Venus in Centre over Vancouver Saturday Feb 21 2015

Moon, Mars, and Venus in order from highest to lowest against the Vancouver Skyline

Moon, Mars, and Venus in order from highest to lowest against the Vancouver Skyline

Fiery Crescent Moon Over Vancouver

Fiery Crescent Moon Over Vancouver

Moon and Venus over Vancouver

Moon and Venus over Vancouver

Crescent Moon with Mars as the faint point at upper left

Crescent Moon with Mars as the faint point at upper right

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