Hey Chasers!
The TCON Promotional Society is hosting Reversed Polarity this weekend! This is the same group of folk who had us out for Polaris 26 in July of 2012, and the Constellation Awards this past Summer. We are hosting two panels at the show called Allons-Y Filmmaking. We are examining how values such as courage, sacrifice, exploration and companionship that are celebrated in Doctor Who helped us in the creation of Chasing Atlantis. The Doctor always focuses on the journey rather than the destination and keeping the journey in mind over a fixed end point is certainly necessary in the creation of a documentary. I guess, in a sense, Doctor Who is really a travel documentary of sorts.
If you’re in the Toronto area, you should really check out the convention. Reversed Polarity is essentially a relaunched Polaris with a Doctor Who focus. I didn’t get into the DW reboot when it first launched in 2005. I did recall watching the 4th Doctor portrayed by Tom Baker in syndication on TV Ontario with my grandmother when she looked after me some evenings.
I always wanted a TARDIS play set or toy when I was a kid. When the 96 TV movie came out starting Paul McGann as the 8th Doctor, I was really really stoked. But between 96 and 2005, my passion for Doctor Who waned. But Whovian fever caught up to me, especially after David Tennant grabbed hold of the TARDIS keys. “Dude, David Tennant” I had people repeating to me over and over. And so finally I started the 2005 reboot and was instantly hooked. The show is amazing and I am waiting with eager anticipation for the Nov 23rd 50th Anniversary special where Matt Smith’s 11th Doctor will be reunited with David Tennant’s 10th Doctor. Reversed Polarity will feature actor Peter Davidson who played the 5th Doctor and who Tennant credits as his inspiration for wanting to be an actor and be the Doctor himself. Oh, and I finally did get a TARDIS toy. It’s actually where I keep my passport. The TARDIS reminds me of travelling and adventures and this way I don’t loose my documents.
We’ve had nothing but amazing times at TCON events. It was at Polaris 26 that we caught up with Wil Wheaton and interviewed him while at the convention. While at the Constellation Awards, we met Judith and Garfield Reeve-Stevens, authors of several Star Trek novels and several episodes of Star Trek Enterprise (They are also rebooting Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future which is Awesome! I totally had the toys that shot at the TV when I was a kid). The Reeve-Stevens, in turn, introduced us to Michael and Denise Okuda who basically designed the way that the 24th century looked in Star Trek the Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager. (Michael and Denise will be featured in our next blog post, the last update on our second North America Tour 2)
Hope to see you there! Allons-Y! Here is a link to the Reversed Polarity Site
Keep Chasing,